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Anything directly related to the homelab infrastructure is documented in this section.


A homelab is self-hosted infrastructure at home for:

  • experimenting in a safe environment and learning technologies.
  • running personal "production" services (like game servers, file cloud etc).


Latest full list of hardware used in the JamLab homelab is available on my personal site's Setup page. Other sections in documentation may only reference bits and pieces of the setup.


Rack - Outer

JamLab Rack - Outer

JamLab Rack - Outer Stickers

Rack - Front

JamLab Rack - Front

JamLab Rack - RPi

JamLab Rack - Mega SE, screen

Rack - Back

JamLab Rack - Back, lower

JamLab Rack - Back, upper


JamLab Attic