- 20 Things I’ve Learned in my 20 Years as a Software Engineer - Justin Etheredge
- 40 years of programming - Lars Wirzenius
- Comprehensive Rust
- Few lesser known tricks, quirks and features of C
- Lies we tell ourselves to keep using Golang - Amos Wenger
- Reproducible Builds and NixOS
- software that sucks less
- The documentation system
- 90DaysOfDevOps
- Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
- Bash Pitfalls - Greg GreyCat
- Easy Automated Snapshot-Style Backups with Linux and Rsync - Mike Rubel
- pure bash bible
- Sad Servers
- What time is it? A simple question with a complex answer. - Andrea Corbellini
- dn42
- Implement DNS in a weekend - Julia Evans
- Load Balancing - Sam Rose
- Mediocre Engineer’s guide to HTTPS - Devon Peroutky
- Practical Networking - Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) - Ed Harmoush
- Rule 53
- Why was Facebook down for five hours? - Ben Eater
- barco - Linux Containers from Scratch
- Cloud Native Interactive Landscape
- The container orchestrator landscape
Machine Learningඞ
- colah's blog about ML, DL, NN
- LLM Visualization
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- Practical Deep Learning
- Semaphore: Full-Body Keyboard
- Spreadsheets are all you need - Learn how AI works from a real LLM implemented entirely in Excel
- What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?
- DevSec Hardening Framework
- How Not To Secure Your Company (Target Data Breach) - Kevin Fang
- Kerberos - Designing an Authentication System: a Dialogue in Four Scenes
- Meltdown and Spectre
- WebAuthn
- Why is OAuth still hard in 2023? - Robin Guldener and What OAuth 2 is, how it works, what you need to know to use it
- 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development - Fletcher Dunn & Ian Parbery
- Future of real-time upscaling - 2kliksphilip
- Mapping The Internet - 8AAFFF
- The Book of Shaders - Patricio Gonzalez Vivo and Jen Lowe
- Via: Solving the 100 GB Problem - Ryan Flaherty
- Coolors
- CSS Layout
- CSS: The Good Parts - Yoav Ganbar
- evergreen resources
- freakphone resources
- Free Frontend
- Frosted Glass from Games to the Web: Frosted acrylic design elements inspired by Forza games brought to the web.
- humans.txt
- newlambda resources
- Pokemon Cards CSS: A collection of advanced CSS styles to create realistic-looking effects for the faces of Pokemon cards.
- The 512KB Club
- Visual design rules you can safely follow every time
- A Summary of Electronics
- An intuitive approach for understanding electricity and Watch electricity hit a fork in the road at half a billion frames per second and Why does WATER change the speed of electricity? by AlphaPhoenix
- Branch prediction by Dan Luu: pseudo-transcript for a talk on branch prediction going over different algorithms.
- Build an 8-bit computer from scratch by Ben Eater and 68 Katy – 68000 Linux on a Solderless Breadboard by Steve Chamberlin
- From Nand to Tetris - Building a Modern Computer From First Principles - Shimon Schocken and Noam Nisan
- Hands Down Keyboard Layout
- History of ARM - Jeremy Reimer
- How Microchips Work - Markus Kohlpaintner
- LoRa Mesh Network With Off-the-Shelf Hardware - Tom Nardi
- Primer: core concepts in electronic circuits and Radios, how do they work? - lcamtuf
- Atkinson Hyperlegible Font
- Comic Mono
- Fantasque Sans Mono
- jdsalaro's Top Five Fonts for Programming
- Recursive Sans & Mono
- Computer Networking (Deepdive) - LiveOverflow
- Crash Course: Computer Science
- CS 253 Web Security - Feross Aboukhadijeh
- Diátaxis - A systematic approach to technical documentation authoring.
- Git for Beginners: Zero to Hero - Jayson Salazar Rodriguez and Getting out of trouble by understanding Git by Steve Smith and Conventional Commits and Git From the Bottom Up by John Wiegley
- How DNS Works
- How Python virtual environments work
- How to Use Oscilloscopes, Logic Analyzers, Multimeters, and More - Zack Freedman
- Introduction to a Self Managed Life - FUTO software
- Map of Computer Science - Domain of Science
- Online Cryptography Course from Stanford, also in Coursera - Dan Boneh
- Putting the "You" in CPU and repo - Lexi Mattick
- SpaceTraders API Game: API-based game, learn a new programming language by building an interface.
- Teach Yourself Computer Science
- The Missing Semester of Your CS Education
- .the .product and video of .the .product [HD 60fps] and elevated and video of elevated
- ASCII textfiles archive
- Choose an open source license
- Ditherpunk - Surma
- DIY Git in Python
- Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
- Egoless Engineering - Dan McKinley: "Computer scientists like me start their career by realizing that they accidentally joined a math major that isn’t a science, and isn’t about computers. It’s about how abstract work gets done and stuff. [...] Things might be better if we tried to think about work as much as we think about the computers."
- Eternal September
- Explained from First Principles
- Fast machines, slow machines - Julio Merino
- Fireship
- Fuck Off As A Service
- Going to an Interview for Web Design Dressed as a Giant Spider
- Hacker News
- Hacker Scripts
- How to get rich as a solo software developer - Fireship
- Infinite-Storage-Glitch using video on Youtube
- Interactive map of Linux kernel
- Internet Artifacts - neal
- Internet in a Box
- internet quote collection
- libcimbar: Color Icon Matrix Barcodes
- Linux and FOSS News
- Making Chat (ro)Bots - Boston Dynamics
- Most favorited Hacker News posts of all time
- Software Design is Knowledge Building - Facundo Olano: Systems design comes from mental models which are hard to grasp even with good documentation, some theories say that it is impossible to hand over a system to new people without the creator(s)/previous maintainers explaining and answering questions to build the models in the brains of the next.
- The early days of Linux
- The Jargon File and The Hacker's Dictionary
- The Website is Down #1: Sales Guy vs. Web Dude - Josh Weinberg
- TOP500 - Supercomputer stats
- What can I do for Arch Linux?
Favourite authorsඞ
10 commandments of ITඞ
- You are replaceable at work, but you are not replaceable at home
- Users lie
- Fridays are read-only
- Under-promise, over-deliver
- Test your backups
- Poor planning on a user's part does not constitute an emergency on ours
- Cover your ass; if you think it's going to be a disaster, get it in writing
- It's always DNS
- Are you certain it is plugged in?
- Reboot; if it still doesn't work, reboot again.